
Story Index

*in progess*

Disclaimer: The dragon Riders of pern are created and owned by the wonderful Anne Mccaffrey. This story is based in her world, I am merely borrowing it for the boys of nsync to play in for a while. I may mention one of her characters in passing and I will mention Her weyrs.as for the dragon's names, i don't think i have used one of the ones that she has used, if i have, forgive me.
Ms Mccaffrey is an amazing writer and i highly recomend her dragon books. start with 'dragonflight' then move on to 'dragonquest'. 'Dragonsong'. 'dragonsinger', 'dragondrums' and then 'the white dragon.'
this story is my tribute to her and her fantastic world of dragonriders

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


Email: whatweallwishfor@yahoo.com